Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sweet Salone Update April 19th SOURCE MAG BLOG

The New Sweet Salone Official Mashup Trailer is out. You can watch it here or go to the Sweet Salone website.

SOURCE MAGAZINE's blog has featured Sweet Salone! Check it out with this link and send them an email to thank them for supporting Independent Media and standing up for those media makers that are not rich and famous. Definite shout and shots out to The Source Mag Blog site (BRRAAH!! BRRAAH!!) for not being afraid to tell the truth!

The Feature Trailer will be out soon so please come back and view that as well! Dont forget to Register or sign our Guestbook so that we can keep you updated.

C-ya and Wun Deuce Media would like to thank and welcome members of Connect The Docs, and Filmmakers Workshop for their help and support. We look forward to meeting new friends and working with the Boston filmmaking community.

Sweet Salone is currently in the rough cut stage, while we continue to focus on the best outlet for Sweet Salone's audience. The rough cut and trailers are available for private screenings so contact us if you are interested or would like more information.

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